27 Apr, Saturday
21° C

Twelve years is the time, the incident that shook our certainty, a study, a research. But it is also the solar event of adolescence, its frantic start, its rising before the mirror of ambiguity. Immerse oneself in this transitional stage or relive the private experience to tell the contradictions of a period that contains within itself the instants and the omens of identity. A page suspended where it is difficult to pronounce, to sew in one’s own name; an unarmed page in which misunderstandings slip and eternity is consumed in a few rejected words like the sinking of the waves.

Present and prehistory of the future, twelve years is knot and scissor, from personal history to that of the community, in which the seed of contemporaneity has been formed. A magnificent no-man’s-land, difficult to decipher even in places tended to form its education.

A choice of waiting and a report: in the twelve year old the passion of wanting to become and the innocence of disarmament collide in the morphology of the look, the first sign of the adolescere, of coming to the world having to meet the other’s sight, learning to govern it. In the silent mask of twelve-year dialogues, there is the exactness of the informal emptiness in which words still sail without course and without apparent meaning. There is the frail present of a fixed idea which will disappear forever when the advent of adult life; or maybe there is a preview of everything, which lingers, but responds from the future.

Dodici anni è il tempo, l’incidente che scosse la nostra certezza, uno studio, una ricerca. Ma è anche l’evento solare dell’adolescenza, il suo principiante forsennare, il suo levarsi di fronte allo specchio degli equivoci.

Immedesimarsi in un’età di passaggio o riviverne l’esperienza privata per raccontare le contraddizioni di un periodo che racchiude in sé gli istanti e i presagi dell’identità.

Una pagina sospesa e inerme, dove è difficile nominare, nominarsi; dove slittano le incomprensioni e si consumano eternità in poche parole, rigettate come relitti di un naufragio. Presente e preistoria dell’avvenire, avere dodici anni è nodo e forbice, dalla storia personale a quella della comunità, dentro cui si è formato il seme della contemporaneità.
