06 May, Monday
21° C

Diego Artioli was born in Bolzano to a spanish mother and a mantuan father. He has lived in Bologna, Spain, Germany and Greece. At the present time he lives between Trieste and Bolzano. Alpino. His pictures have appeared on the Financial Times, El Pais, Vanity Fair, Style, Lucky Peach, and Visionaire. He has exhibited his works through Italy and Spain. He has published a book for the kinds of Bompiani titled “The seas of Trieste”. He has also held some lectures on “The Role of images in communication”, but still doesn’t know on which grounds.

Escapista sorvola i luoghi e le tracce dell'umano, facendone visioni che cambiano tra le mani di un paesaggio terrestre inusuale e che sfumano nella dimensione del volo, mostrando un'altra parte del corpo del mondo, il controcanto, la voce del cielo.

leine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) is a rare and complex neurological disorder characterized by recurring periods of excessive amounts of sleep, altered behavior, and a reduced understanding of the world. The disorder strikes adolescents primarily but can occur in younger children and