20 May, Monday
21° C

Francesco Ferrante is an ICT consultant based in Milan but born in Acquaviva delle Fonti (Bari). Pushed by the urge to express his inner voice, he started wandering through the streets of his city with a camera looking for scenes and subjects he feels deeply connected to. Connections are what is going to define his visual voice, full of cold shades or dark shadows. As a photoamateur he’s continuously evolving his style switching from urban to street photography and reportage, telling about the city he lives.

Quello è il momento in cui ti rendi conto che, per quanto l'orizzonte cambi, il carattere dell'uomo sia sempre lo stesso e semplicemente si adatta, nel lavoro, nei giri in bici, nelle passeggiate, nei balli per strada e persino nei

Der Mund eines Mädchens, das lange im Schilf gelegen hatte, sah so angeknabbert aus. Als man die Brust aufbrach, war die Speiserő hre so lő cherig. Schließlich in einer Laube unter dem Zwerchfell