20 May, Monday
21° C

Giacomo Leronni (Gioia del Colle, 1963) is a teacher of French language in Secondary School. He assiduously works as a cultural operator and cooperates with the poetry magazine “Avamposto”. Amongst many others, he won, with an unpublished poetry collection, the National Award for poetry “LericiPea” (1998). In 1999 he attended the “RicercarE” conference/laboratory in Reggio Emilia. He published the following poetry collections: Polvere del bene (Manni 2008; “A. Contini Bonacossi” 2009 prize for opera prima), Le dimore dello spirito assente (puntoacapo 2012), L’ufficio del vuoto (puntoacapo 2015) and Scrittura come ciglio (puntoacapo 2019; “Nabokov” Award 2019; finalist at New York’s International Award “Gradiva” 2019).

E anche guardando a fondo le voci interrate non emergono i popoli che hai imboccato disconoscono il sangue.