06 May, Monday
21° C

Mary Barbara Tolusso lives between Trieste and Milan, where she works as journalist. She published several poetry collections: L’inverso ritrovato (Lietocolle, 2003) which won the Pasolini Prize; Il freddo e il crudele (Stampa 2012) which won the Fogazzaro Prize; Mea infera caro (Edb Edizioni, 2012) and a selection of poems in the anthology Velocità della visione. Poeti dopo il Duemila (Fondazione Mondadori, 2017). She edited the volume dedicate to Trieste and its literature in Grandi scrittori del Nordest. She collaborated with Almanacco dello Specchio (Mondadori), the most important Italian publication of poetry and, since 2005, she has been in charge of the Cetonaverde Poetry Prize, for authors under 35. She is the editor of the poetry list Apolide (Lietocolle). Her debut novel L’imbalsamatrice (Gaffi Editore) was published in 2010, she wrote a short story for the anthology I mari di Trieste (Bompiani, 2015), and her new novel will be publish in May 2018 by Bollati e Boringhieri. She translated Giacomino da Verona in Visioni dell’aldilà prima di Dante (Mondadori, 2017). Some of her poems have been translated in Spanish, Slovenian and English.

Era il tipo di donna indubbiamente più adatta a consigliarti un rimedio contro l’insonnia cronica piuttosto che suggerirti l’eccellenza di un detersivo.