09 May, Thursday
21° C

Goetz | Celine Chouvenc

In the waves, the waves. The waves come to mind not only because I would like to be in the waves, but because the lush, multicolored shapes of these works by Celine Chouvenc seem to be waves.They are human beings who have become waves. And the waves are marvelous, fearless, fluid, mutant and elusive forms.
The news covers wounds, wrinkles, signs of aging, smooth and corrupt our sight, follow a time and an absolutely personal thread revealing eccentricity, character, expression. Super humans, super beasts.

But beyond the waves, Chouvenc’s works reveal the story of a mutation, a fear, a country, a people that has probably already changed. and we know that this is the case and probably this same people who tell us about everyday life. Her art is an island protected by fog, an island where she lands by mistake or due to a shipwreck, or in search of something mysterious; but it becomes the island where one does not meet a monster, but one encounters the very principle of mutation.

Here, Chouvenc’s sculptures follow the obsessive method, the obsessive cadence of mutation, but her characters can suddenly reveal themselves, expose themselves beyond the dense cartographic plot. So, for a moment, seeing these expressions, seeing these grimaces, seeing any human sign, framing it makes you think you are seeing a human, ultrahuman, for a moment in this changing energy. These sculptures are visible as pure, very pure escape, terrible escape in this park of wonders and horrors is also the right entrance to the dream of tomorrow.

All images by Celine Chouvenc | Instagram

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