19 May, Sunday
21° C

Saracino | Il vento bianco

Nella campagna salentina, a pochi chilometri da Lecce, in una zona conosciuta per il suo paesaggio di affascinanti cave naturali, sorge una tenuta di campagna circondata da ulivi, vigneti, querce, pini ed eucalipti. Si chiama “zero spaccato”. Per raggiungerla bisogna attraversare un’antica contrada, entrare in una strada sterrata e proseguire fino al grande cancello che si affaccia sulla casa. Qui vive il regista, musicista e scrittore Paolo De Falco, che negli anni ha fatto dell’abitazione un vero e proprio centro di ricerca, laboratoriale e simbolico, dove la confluenza tra i convitati e la pluralità delle arti si è incarnata in un dialogo profondo e in un processo di relazioni che si sviluppano dentro un tempo naturale, scandito dal mutare delle stagioni, non pressato da quelle logiche produttive troppo spesso alterate o distorte dalle logiche istituzionali.
A partire da questa primavera e fino all’inverno 2022, zero spaccato prova a dare un’impronta di ulteriore sensualità all’esperienza dello stare insieme proponendo a studiosi, artisti, cultori del silenzio e della bellezza, turisti e camminatori, una serie di giornate in cui risiedere nella tenuta in veste di visitatori nomadi o stanziali, vivendo la naturalezza del paesaggio e l’immersione in una profonda dimensione esplorativa sia “interna” sia “esterna”. Dai luoghi che offre il magico possedimento rurale, con il suo anfiteatro naturale e i campi di ulivi, l’orto biologico e lo spiazzo degli animali che scorrazzano liberi, fino alle ville antiche, le masserie didattiche o quelle cave ancestrali di cui è costellato il territorio limitrofo, in un infittirsi di sentieri e percorsi che preludono al mare, alle marine di Porto Cesareo e di tutta la meravigliosa costa salentina, con quella libertà dello sguardo che sono in grado di evocare.
Chi vorrà, potrà sostare a zero spaccato e vivere una o più settimane in un contesto di incontro, dove le parole chiave appaiono essere “insieme” e “liberazione”. Insieme, per dare voce e corpo al coro di un’esperienza di convivenza che sia intensa voglia di scambiarsi le proprie inclinazioni e le proprie passioni (condividendo il tempo della lettura, dell’ascolto, della scrittura, del teatro, del cinema, della musica, della danza, delle escursioni); liberazione, come percorso di ricreazione di un tempo “perso” in cui i ritmi siano scanditi dalla sensualità delle ore illanguidite da un sentire comune e lento.
Un sentire, aggiunge Paolo, che si libera dalle competizioni, lasciando che i corpi e le menti, le anime, si contagino, provino a progettare insieme. A creare. E lo facciano dentro una prospettiva multidisciplinare e sensibile che egli proverà a suggerire, cercando di essere un custode di questa possibilità, di questa ricchezza, una sorta di guida in ascolto, di sentinella che protegge la concentrazione interiore e l’ascolto dell’esterno.
La tenuta zero spaccato dunque si definisce come luogo proteso, in azione e vocazione; non mira alla semplicistica distrazione turistica, anzi offre, pur nell’agio di un soggiorno spensierato e amicale, la possibilità di partecipare del territorio e dei suoi naturali respiri, indicando la strada per sentirne i ritmi, i segreti e gli inattuali vincoli, alla luce di uno o più nuovi modi di intendere e leggere la vita, lontani dalla provvisorietà delle parole e delle esperienze scontate.


I thought I’d invite a few people to share a time of research and study, following my direction, but also exploring their own dimension. Living a process of liberation, starting by asking ourselves about freedom, finding a compromise between accepting others’ influence and respecting our own space.
Sharing indoor and outdoor, introspective and external experiences that explore theater, cinema, painting, music, photography and literature. The life.

For some time I have been living in a magical place, a biologic country estate, a few kilometers from Lecce (in the south of Italy).
My house/studio is surrounded by woods with several animals. I built a small circular rural theater, made of stones, logs and straw, with a large tree in the middle. There is also a screen to watch cinema movies and more, if you wish, even relaxing and lying on the ground …

My idea is to share my residence while scheduling cyclical periods of study. These periods will more likely follows the change of seasons. Perhaps the influence of open air, trees, silence, the cozyness of a fireplace, the house and books, can help finding and inhabit Sharing and Depth again. With our body, with our senses. With a renewed desire to study, to know, to imagine and ponder.

Four short periods per year. A scattered time that becomes an opportunity for common retreat, the possibility of living in a creative residence surrounded by nature. Experimenting transformation over time, different every time. However, I thought of combining an external movement with an internal movement.


The central theme of this research is Space, in particular the relationship between us and space. The internal space as well as the external one, the way in which they interact and influence each other …

And also Music. In fact, music (or the search for one’s own musicality) will help this process of unveiling and strengthening our ability to perceive, observe and react creatively.

The research path includes about 7/8 hours a day with:
– physical/sensory activities outdoors between walking and training
– indoor and outdoor exercises, studies and scenic improvisations
– watching films and various works
– listening to music of various genres and from various history periods
– shared reading of texts of different nature and epochs
– moments of choral reflection.
– care of the organic garden
– there will also be a time, to be agreed together, for sharing creative proposals.

We will work with body and mind. Above all, we will try to put them together, to put them, that is, where they already are. To put your head … on your neck, as the famous comedian Totò said.

The path is in any case based on listening, therefore will not be rigid; my conduction will try to be sensitive and reactive, reacting to the stimuli and requests, wishes and skills of the participants. The goal is to achieve a difficult but possible balance between individual self-determination and choral influence. Between inner concentration and external listening. I will try to be a keeper of this possibility.

Multidisciplinarity has always been my method, my perspective. I believe that as Italians we have it in our DNA and that, beyond easy formulas and fashions, “seeking” means trying to cross borders emptying our pockets against the wind.

I hope and believe that many collaborations could begin from this time of shared research, and of course it will be the beauty of the encounters that will allow for meaningful relationships to take form, beyond good and evil.


The research is open to professionals such as students or occasional creatives of all ages, aged 16 and over. Just send in your resume, a photo and a short motivation letter. The maximum number of participants is 14 people.

Spring from May 15th to 29th
Summer from 17 to 31 July
Autumn from November 20th to December 4th
Winter from 15th to 28th February
(Between the internal and external phases there is a rest day. The dates are to be confirmed).

The cost of participation is 200 € per person per week.
For those wishing to also spend the night at zero split there are two options.
Renting a room in the house: 25 € per day per person.
The house has two double bedrooms available. Rooms are upstairs and share a bathroom.
Renting a camping space: 7 € per day per person. Tents, however, are not provided, we strongly recommend to bring your own. The estate has a grove of pine and eucalyptus trees and also a grove of olive trees available for the residents to use. You can use the bathroom on the lower floor in the house or a more rustic one outside, in the garden.

Alternatively, I can find rooms in some very close “Masserias”. Zero split is sorrounded by a a very beautiful countryside, with vineyards and olive trees and the presence of several traditional Salento farmhouses, some inhabited and others abandoned. These landscapes can be pleasantly crossed on foot or by bicycle.
I have several bikes that can be used … Lecce is 10 km away and easily accessible.

Kitchen is available for everyone to be used, perhaps organizing common expenses and choral lunches or dinners (even for those who do not reside at zero split) which become a further way to share time and energy. It will also be possible to use the produce of the estate which has been organically conducted for almost 40 years and sold at very low costs.

14 days for each period/season, 7 of wich living and working at zero split and 7 traveling the nearby regions. However, you are free to participate in the internal laboratory as well as the external one. It is therefore not mandatory to participate in all 14 consecutive days. Those who participate in both can take advantage of a discount and instead of 400 € the entire research path will cost 350 €.

What about the virus?
Everyone has his own ideas. It would be desirable that those who’d come could prove that they had been tested. However, it is not mandatory. In my opinion the virus must not stop us from being together, although, I leave it up to everyone’s common sense.


For those who want to know a little about my work and for those who want to write me:

Paolo De Falco

Photo by Danielle MacInnes

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