03 May, Friday
21° C

Can we, as adults, grow new neurons? Neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret says that we can, and she offers research and practical advice on how we can help our brains better perform neurogenesis—improving mood, increasing memory formation and preventing the decline associated

Sardinia is one of five Blue Zones in the world—places with high concentrations of some of the oldest people globally. In 2019, director Hannah Berry George was invited to the idyllic island on a press trip and took the opportunity

It’s commonly accepted that your 20s is the time to get completely off your nut before calming down and respecting yourself. But increasingly, it seems that British people have a different idea. More than 3.7 million over-45s go raving once

In a talk packed with wry wisdom, pop culture queen Bevy Smith shares hard-earned lessons about authenticity, confidence, mature success and why, if you put in the work, "life gets greater later." Foto di João Ferrão

Ageing has always been inevitable but fasting, epigenetic reprogramming and parabiosis are just some of the scientific techniques that seem to help people stay young. Might the Peter Pan dream become real? Foto di David Clode

As the most complex organ in your body, your brain changes radically throughout your life. Starting from before birth and continuing even after you've died. This is what happens to your brain as you age. Foto di Max Bender

Ha corso, ha camminato. Guarda ciò che non potrà mai essere suo. Guarda ciò che era suo. È arrivata, se ne è andata.

The rich world is ageing fast. How can societies afford the looming costs of caring for their growing elderly populations? Foto di Tiago Muraro

The world's population has more than doubled since the 1970s. But a booming population is only part of the story—in some places populations are in decline. Foto di Clay Banks

The Italian island of Sardinia has more than six times as many centenarians as the mainland and ten times as many as North America. Why? According to longevity researcher Susan Pinker, it's not a sunny disposition or a low-fat, gluten-free

Can we break bad habits by being more curious about them? Psychiatrist Judson Brewer studies the relationship between mindfulness and addiction — from smoking to overeating to all those other things we do even though we know they're bad for

Trentacinque caduti e diciannove feriti. Un bilancio esigue di fronte ai quasi 70 milioni di morti del secondo conflitto mondiale.

There's an irony behind the latest efforts to extend human life: It's no picnic to be an old person in a youth-oriented society. Older people can become isolated, lacking meaningful work and low on funds. In this intriguing talk, Jared

Originally trained as an engineer, the artworks of Fernando Palma Rodríguez blur the boundaries between nature, technology and art. In the words of the artist, "Nature has been replaced by the transistor". In this video, enter the artist's home and

Jordan Peterson parla di razionalità ed emozione, repressione e aggressività, cervello, sistema nervoso, sopravvivenza e riproduzione e delle idee di Freud sull'Es, sull'Ego e sul Super-Io. Foto di Max Letek

How can Afrofuturism in art inspire new futures and reclaim dark histories? Watch how a filmmaker interprets Wangechi Mutu’s, “MamaRay,” a lifesize sculpture—half woman, half manta ray— as a call to legacies of the transatlantic slave trade and lives lost

he young star of Icelandic literature, Frída Ísberg, shares her thoughts on writing today: "In our part of the world, a lot of privileged writers have left the political debates, "she says and adds, "I hate that society is always

Parigi gravava su Napoleone, per sua stessa ammissione, come una "cappa di piombo"

Positioned as a coming out film for disability, narrative short Better explores sibling relationships and ableism within the context of disabled identity, developed by British writer/director Zoe Hunter Gordon with disabled producer/associate writer Celestine Fraser Foto di Jaroslav Devia

Do you sometimes have your most creative ideas while folding laundry, washing dishes or doing nothing in particular? It's because when your body goes on autopilot, your brain gets busy forming new neural connections that connect ideas and solve problems.

How do artists create work within their communities, in a way that helps us see injustice and shows us the way towards change? In this film we look at five artists who demonstrate the power of collaboration across borders: Outi

A 23-year-old Hasidic Jew struggles to come to terms with the tension of staying true to tradition, and life as a young man in modern Britain, in Billy Lumby's short film SAMUEL-613. Foto di Laura Siegal

Oil and ink ‘bombs’ thrown from a helicopter onto a vast canvas, a 200-meter dry waterfall transformed with cascading paper and ink, dust, ice, soundwaves, wind, and humidity are a few of the mediums of Chinese artist Bingyi. Her work

‘In fact, this series, the Bauhaus Gal, was inspired by a photo collection. This collection recorded lives of girls who studied in Bauhaus. They lived 100 years ago, but they’re not so different from women nowadays. They might even be

Ares J-2507 cammina benissimo, su ogni tipo di terreno o superficie, non importa se piana o scoscesa.

Balancing intense planning with improvisational decision-making, Judy Pfaff creates exuberant, sprawling sculptures and installations that weave landscape, architecture, and synthetic color into a tense yet organic whole. Judy Pfaff was born in London, England, in 1946. Foto di ameenfahmy

The word “warning” tipped my ears off that something bad could happen

What keeps us afloat in uncertain times? In this film, artist and composer Rory Pilgrim meets with the eight members of Green Shoes Arts who collaborated on RAFTS, a film and later live performance created over three years during the

In a complex and changing world, how can we make sure unconventional people and their ideas thrive? Business executive Ipsita Dasgupta introduces the concept of "co-conspirators" -- people willing to bend or break the rules to challenge the status